Miss Kahl is ready for today's CCE Senior Event!
Don't forget it's picture retake day! You do not need anything to retake your photos. Head to the Activity Room. We are open for business! #dragonpride #publications
Come out and watch the Powderpuff game tomorrow @ 6 at the stadium!
Please read this important fact sheet about the Upcoming Tazewell County Schools Facility 1% Tax.
This Thursday @6 at the stadium! Don’t miss this fun Homecoming event!
Getting ready for the Homecoming parade!
It's official, our Boys Golf team has qualified for the #IHSA Sectional at Edwardsville on Monday. #DragonPride #WeNeverSlice #GasUpTheBus
Congrats to Mason Minkel on winning the #IHSA Golf Regional today by shooting a 72. #DragonPride #NextStop Edwardsville Sectional.
It looks like our Boys Golf team will advance to the #IHSA Sectional on Monday!! Waiting for the #official word. #DragonPride #BeTheBall
Come on out to Mashies on Oct.3rd to support our PCHS Volley for the Cure.
Come on out to Mashies on Oct.3rd to support our PCHS Volley for the Cure.
PCHS Volley for Cure event at Classy Girl boutique on Wednesday Oct 3rd
Senior Families participating in FAFSA completion night. Thank you to Representatives from ISAC, Bradley, ISU, and ICC for volunteering to help. #iapplied #Dragonpride
The class competitions have begun!
Some of us are seeing double today! # dragonpride
The smell of fall is in the air as the drawing students wood burn and make the classroom smell like a campfire.
Mrs. Bilyeu as Jack Sparrow #dragonpride
Congratulations to this year’s Homecoming Court attendants: freshmen Gage Anderson and Hailee Williams, sophomores Logan Buck and Elizabeth Bennett, juniors Jay Shockley and Darcie Bush, and seniors Isaiah Alexander, Brody Blackwell, Steven Johnson, Quinn Baggott, Hope Foster, and Madison Vicary (not pictured). The King and Queen will be announced at the Pep Assembly on Friday!