over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
It’s Senior picture day! If you’re a senior, come visit us in the theater today. We are open, so come on in! Or stop by during passing period, advisory, or ask a teacher if you can go during work time.
over 6 years ago, Alyson Smith
It’s senior picture day! Stop by before school, during passing period, or during advisory period!
Tazewell County and the state of Illinois are working to combat the issue of underage drinking. Starting this month, at PCHS you will start to notice campaign announcements and materials throughout the school to raise awareness of underage drinking. Everyone has a reason not to use alcohol underage. What’s your reason?
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
These tennis girls have school spirit and fun! #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Angel Carrington
Smiles for days
Competitions always make reviewing more fun!
over 6 years ago, Nikki Ronna
When tennis players have fun... #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Angel Carrington
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Thank you to everyone who came to support our Senior College and Financial Aid Night. If you were not able to attend, stop by the counseling office for information. #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Kelly Orrick
Did you say make a Wave Machine? Where’s the water? Not for these students. Investigative Physics 2018
over 6 years ago, Priscilla Delaere
Making a Wave Machine with no water.. What?? Investigative Physics 2018
Investigative Physics students are making their own “Wave Machines”
over 6 years ago, Priscilla Delaere
Investigative Physics students are making their own “Wave Machines”
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Flex seating + technology=win! #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Angel Carrington
Flex seating
Girls Cross Country has TWO runners in the top 200 fastest returning cross country runners this season. Paige Arseneau is 81st and Alex Bassen is 187th. It's a GREAT DAY TO BE A DRAGON! #dragonpride http://il.milesplit.com/articles/pro/245961/illinois-fastest-1000-returning-girls-cross-country-runners
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Eating a team meal after a long match #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Angel Carrington
Where are all of the early Christmas shoppers at?! Once again, the PCHS Lifeskills classes will be making personalized Christmas ornaments for $7.00 each; that's right- only $7.00!! This is a super cheap (yet very personal) way of spreading some Christmas cheer! Order yours today, or later, just make sure you order!!
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Back to School Specials!
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Athletic schedules will be added to pekinhigh.net and the app soon. In the meantime, you can also access them here: https://pekinathletics.bigteams.com/ These will be updated if there are cancellations.
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
With everyone being back to school, please allow the students of the PCHS Lifeskills program to help you with any jobs that you might need done! For those that don't know, the Lifeskills program is a great program that allows students with disabilities to obtain job skills that help prepare them for future employment. We are ready to work, so please let us help you :)
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter