Intro to Engineering & Design class designed and printed parts for their inventions that improve upon a household item.
over 6 years ago, Joel Steger
PCHS Dragon Tech Support students spent the morning at IVC High School shadowing their student tech students. These seven students will assist the tech department with our Chromebook deployment/fixes for our 1:1 program next year.
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Congrats to the new National Honor Society students that were inducted last night. #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
JROTC Cadets Briggs, Vandyke, Creech took 2nd place at the Biathalon this year at Richwoods! Congratulations!
over 6 years ago, Joel Steger
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Foreign language teachers representing their universities! #PCHSdecisionday #worldlanguages #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Doy
Job Posting: High School English/Language Arts Instructor
over 6 years ago, Lois Look
Here is the registration form for, and information about, our 2018 P.C.H.S. Summer Sports Camps. Please feel free to use and share the brochures
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Dragon Events At A Glance - Week of 4/30
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
On Monday, the 30th the baseball team is having a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings. Please take a printed copy of the printed ticket in for us to get a percentage of your bill, only one ticket per group. Thanks for your support!
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Latinam Amamus - We love Latin. Annual Latin Banquet fun! #Dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Joel Schmieg
PCHS staff supporting the Tazewell County Children’s Advocacy Center. Winning team out of 36 had 4 PCHS teachers. Farley, Holzwarth, Odle, and Doy and retiree Peggy Schnarr #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
The 2018 Student Council Senior Citizens' Prom king and queen - both retired PCHS teachers! #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Colleen Kahl
Annual Senior Citizen Prom hosted by Pekin High Student Council is always a great time. #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Clarice Chick
These students had a great visit to ICC East to learn about the college experience yesterday! #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Open Coaching Position 4-27-18
over 6 years ago, Lois Look
The National Honor Society is hosting their spring blood drive this Saturday at the Moose Lodge from 10AM to 2PM. You may register online at or sign up at our booth during the lunch hours. Walk-ins are always welcome! Not only will you be saving up to 3 lives, BUT you also get a pint of ice cream from Culver's for even coming in to try.
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
over 6 years ago, Diana Toepfer
Congrats to Kolton Dunkelbarger who signed for track and field at Millikin University. #dragonpride
over 6 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter